i don't know, okay?
Showing posts from March, 2007
i can't get started
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i don't know what happened. okay, i know what happened and why it happened, but i don't know how to fix it. i can't get started with my life. because it's not my life anymore. it's our life and i want to spend it with him, not here on my own. we were walking through the streets of seattle and he helped this guy in a wheelchair to a streetcorner, and 'all the things you are' was playing in the nearby cafe, we went in.
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ya cok guzel ya. sabahtan beri tembel tembel seyler yapiyorum. birsuru isim var ama kendime tatil verdim. ev de sicacik. biliyorum birazdan sikilicam ama zaten o zaman da kanyonda pasabahce neyin yapicam. hadi be sadri abi be.. simdi atlariz burdan bogaza gideriz, bi cay soyleriz, bi balik yeriz, yanina da birer raki cektik mi, degmeyin keyfimize!
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bugun metroda Rolling Stone dergisinin kapaginda MFÖ olan reklami vardi. icimden ne guzel dedim, muzikle dolu bir hayat. cok seker cikmislardi fotografta. sonra baktim, fotografin altinda "ele gune karsi 23 yil" diyordu. cok canim istedi, acaba ipodumda Ele Gune Karsi var miydi dedim ve baktim, evet vardi. hemen actim ve dinledim, birsuru ani geldi ve aklima ve mutlu oldum, herseye dair bir mutluluk geldi.
in Cairo
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I am on a different continent. On the one hand, I don't really mind. This place looks like just another muslim country with arabic script and dust everywhere. On the other hand it's Africa- palm trees and deserts and summer days in March. And it's Egypt, -I think as I sit in my bed and write on- pyramids and funny taxis and the Nile. Magnificent architecture covered in dust. Larger-than-life billboards everywhere, western slogans next to arabic letters and commercially smiling Egyptian youngsters. Tonight we went to a Lebanese restaurant -the designated cuisine in Egypt- and the food was undoubtedly good but it was only after the second glass of wine that I was able to get over the murky atmosphere and the dim lights. We left the place and took the fresh summer air in and had coffee and dessert at the Grand Hyatt -which was grand in all senses of the word- by the river Nile. And then again, it felt weirdly nice to be driven through Zamalek, between palaces d'orient, mag...