
Showing posts from January, 2008


Evet. Nerde kalmistik? Tarkan'in yeni sarkisini cok begendim. Sonra web sitesine girdim ve web sitesini de begendim. Bir kucuk eksikle, message board ya da yorum kosesi gibi bir hizmet sunulmamisti. Sayfanin sag alt kosesindeki sertouch logosundan sitenin sertac adinda bir programci tarafindan design edildigi anlasiliyordu. Sertouch'in web sitesinde ise Tarkan'inkinin aksine mesaj gonderme modulu mevcuttu. Ben de'la ilgili elestirimi sertouch'a ilettim. Bir ne ne goreyim, ayni gun cevap geldi. Site sadece album icinmis (benim mesajim da sadece album icindi, 28 yasinda Tarkan hayrani olup iz surmeye pek niyetim yok), ama yakinda cok daha kapsamli bir olacakmis, ama eger cok acelesi varsa mesajimi Tarkan'a fisildayabilirmis. Pek guzel. Aslinda icimden gecen Tarkan'a ne kadar tasteful bir muzik dinleyicisi oldugumu, iyi muzigi 100 metreden tanidigimi, muzik gecmisimi ve aslinda Turkce muzige cok da tenezzul etmedigimi anlatan bir girizgaht...


it's a beautiful snowy saturday at home. i'm enjoying some dutch coffee and looking outside to the snow, that i'm on the same level with. i can't wait to have my friends over here. the dishwasher is making weird noises. i'd better go check. it's fine. we're waiting for the washing machine guys. really domestic stuff, all household issues this week. once the setup is done i'm sure -and i want to be sure- that i will be more artistic or literary, or philosophical, whatever you name it. but we're enjoying this place, really enjoying it. and the one thing i'm really glad that i knew what i was looking for, when i was apartment-hunting. i saw decent places in more familiar neighborhoods we could have liked but i had the kind of kitchen we had in mind and i knew the kind of life we would be living. and that really worked for us. i hope it keeps working. keep working.

kitchen & dining area


living room


nesting 2

wow. my efforts seem to be not in vain. my fingers find it hard to find the right keys to press, but i like what i see when i look around. this place was such a mess that i had no hope it would turn out to be something like this. there was no new year's eve or new year's day for me, just finishing the apartment before i start going to work again. now it's really peaceful and nice. let me show you around.