Friendship Divorce

Today, I will just copy and paste from Goop. I thought this might be an interesting, food-for-thought topic since this is such a big time of change for all of us. I hope Ms. Paltrow won't mind. “What do you do when you realize that although you may have years of history, and found real value in each other in times past, that you kind of don't like a friend anymore? That, after time spent with this person, you feel drained, empty, belittled or insulted. My father always used to tell me that, ‘you can't make new old friends.’ How do you distinguish if someone in your life makes you change for the better or if you are better off without them?” Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel replies: I appreciate the wisdom in this statement, “We can’t make new old friends.” There is something noble about honoring our history with others. In the context of your question, it also opens a door to an even deeper inquiry: “What does it mean to be a friend?” and “What is our responsibility to others?” I w...