saturday, after the pool, drinking our wines, girls talking, guys getting the barbecue ready, tired and drowsy, taking in the cool forest air, laughing, connecting with people from places that make me think there's so much more to life, feeling i belong there, sitting around a table with all those nice people, familiar and not-so-familiar flavors, celebrating midsummer with the swedish in devil-may-care manner in the company of old and new friends.
"feeling sleepy, full of wine, fall in bed, just in time". how i love to go back to this lightning seeds lyric at certain points in my life.
sunday, waking up with a smile, not much sleep, not really the issue, rushing out as baris awaits, cihangir for a change, us as tourists in istiklal, baris's quest, latest ajda songs, karsi sahil for yet another change.
i bought two books at robinson crusoe, and i find it pretty exciting.
all day, all weekend it was so hot and humid, and now it's blue-grey with drops of rain.
relieving, everything that happened this past two days.


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