blessings: many, and counting

i made pancakes this morning. for the first time, off a recipe from the martha stewart website. neat, and my family loved them. on my way to being a proper american wife, it seems.
i like this new house. it is spacious and full of light. just like i had wished for. in my new room though, it is difficult to wake up. you just want to keep sleeping and dreaming. if only that certain someone was here..
i'm listening to songs and working on two laptops like a busy programmer. the reason is less complicated than you think. i use one for the online dictionary and the other one for Microsoft Word. it is peaceful here. on my own.
i have been hearing his voice for the past three days. it makes my heart beat. faster. guess love really is a many splendored thing.
veronica mars, on the other hand, is dragging me along like a trailer car.
marji e-mailed. just like in the old days.
i doubt that it's a new life but it is definitely a new year.


Anonymous said…
yes, i bet you're a pancake-making machine

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