remember always will

when missing everything but the girl plays i will always remember the balcony in kusadasi, remember it as windy and azur-blue as it can be.
istanbul pamela, when my apartment was broken into and in time of need, nobody was there. -bi ortak gecmisimiz var, bir de hep acik yaralar-
supergirl reamonn, a sunbeam in safa rekkali's blue eyes on the subway stairs on our way to early-morning band practice.
walk this earth alone lauren christy, wind in my hair riding my bike on the waterfront, summer 1998. wondering what the hell i'd done wrong.
don't turn around ace of base, sena, pelin and alper.
lights out the auters, my dorm room, how liberating it was in its box-like dimensions.
love rosey, how i knew love "would find me someday, somewhere."

we had to get out of there. i had to be myself.


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