Da Mario

here i am at damario for my 'birthday lunch' with deni and round midnight was playing as i walked in-- my destiny theme with jazz songs not surprising anymore but pleasant. this place is blissful in a way i can't even begin to explain. the black&white theme goes so well with the light that comes in through the many windows and the magnolia trees in the garden, and i look at the bosphorus as i sit. i can't help but wonder how i can absorb more. but then shouldn't i just live the moment?
for some reason i like italian restaurants a lot. that was a good lunch with deni. she looked beautiful and we had a good talk as always. we exchanged presents.
then i came home, changed into my running gear and headed out towards the waterfront and ran for a good 35 mins. my legs were so happy to get back to the routine we had to leave last weekend for the engagement party trip to denizli and all that followed later on.
i miss doug and his kisses on my face as a half-asleep me bid him farewell.


Anonymous said…
Happy late birthday, Pelin. You actually have the same birthday as one of my best friends. I hope this year treats you well!

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