
Does it matter where you land first when you open up your browser window? It’s just a thought, but for instance, my homepage is my own blog, even though I generally don’t turn off my computer, therefore browser window. But when I do, it’s kind of neat to see my own work, and to be reminded of my part-time passion. Some people prefer Yahoo!, where there’s a lot of content renewed constantly. They must be the type of people who are looking to be fed with information at every opportunity they get (my husband is one of them). I personally find Yahoo! homepage cluttered, and I would feel uncomfortable being bombarded with all that every time I open up a window. Some do Google, and I used to be one of these people – even when I’m not looking for something, I should be as close as I can do finding it. And Google’s homepage themes are always very well thought-out and cute. But now that there’s the Google search bar on the top right of every browser window that I use, there’s no need to start the day with it either. What else can it be? Newspapers? I tried doing Real Simple’s website for a while, but I just couldn’t focus on it, since every time I open a window, I already have a web page in mind that I want to go to. I figured the best way would be to see my blog time and time again, nothing new but nothing that disturbs you, just like home.
What are your homepage picks?


ozlem said…
my homepage is yahoo mail, maybe its just because i like to be informed with friends' e-mails, right ;)
Vinod Jose said…
Pelin, my homepage is the Google site, its loads fastest and as you said, I feel closer to what I need to search anytime...
But come to think of it I would really like to personalize with a page with mutiple links and being able to choose what I want when...

This is very close to your concept of having the blogspot as the homepage and having all the additional sites added as 'gadgets' on the homepage...

On my first mobile handset (Nokia) I used to give 'MKOP' (my kind of place) as the screen display on booting it up...

This homepage thing is quite an interesting thought...

Pel said…
thanks you guys for the responses!

vinod, you're right about the homepage being a hub for every other place you would like to go. rss readers like google reader or bloglines could be good for that. but i think i'll stay with my blog as my homepage.. for now.

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