come sunday

tomorrow is a sunday. i'll wake up late and unrested, will walk barefeet in the house taking in the day and the warmth of my flat. maybe i'll walk to paul, return with their undescribable special wheat bread and get the sunday paper on the way back too. we'll have breakfast, my sister and myself. eggs, tomatoes, olive oil, cheese, tea for her, coffee for me, almonds, and honey will be the pillars of this extended sunday bliss. i'll check out the astrology article in milliyet, probably only that. we'll go down to bebek for a walk, i wanna take a long walk. we'll come home. maybe i'll cook. maybe we'll go to see our grandparents, or maybe we'll procrastinate. i'll do yoga. we'll hang around. barefeet. that's how Sunday looks from where i sit here and now.


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