Case Study: Business Barbie and Effects on Infants

I had a Barbie doll when I was little, and it was a Business Barbie, meaning it had a suede pink suit jacket and a skirt, even a fileholder with pink on white business cards on it- autographed Barbie. And then at night, Barbie would take off the suit jacket, leaving bare the sequined hot pink tank top in it, to go to a party or something. Back then, the way I saw a businesswoman was pretty much shaped by the way my Barbie doll dressed and acted. I grew up picturing myself walking through corridors wearing business suits, but I never imagined the rest, that is, where the corridor would be leading me. Now I'm 26, I studied Business in a very respectable university, and I still cannot picture where the corridor is leading me, much less wear pink suede suit jackets.

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