
she came on the 21st and we first met on friday at the modern art museum (sorry i was unmistakably late). the view was spectacular that day when we were having lunch. i still can't get over the color of the sky. we shared a creme brulee which was really nice. the artworks were notable too. i loved what Louise Bourgeois did with those vintage-looking fabrics, understandable, considering how much time i spend with fabrics. and Ghada Amer: she made me realize what i had forgotten; how art can get through to that secret little crevice in you and drop a bomb of colors and threads and images.
saturday night we were at taps, we met harvey, they drank beer, we danced a little. sunday was karin's christmas brunch and yesim came with me. karin provided an awful lot of food, which we consumed in a wintery feeling of indulgence and happiness.
wednesday night we went to derin's parents' christmas party (yeah the oreo truffles). thursday we met at bebek, had breakfast and headed for markiz for tea and cake (my apple pie was not that significant but her chocolate cake melted into perfection). thursday night she packed and we watched her pack, and we also went through lots of almonds, chocolate, diet coke and cookies. so much for consumption though.
so this trip was satisfactory in terms of spending quality time together and getting things done (if gaining weight has ever been a to-do list item). i can even go ahead and say it was as good as our ankara and ayvalik trips. except that i haven't really travelled -but small distances covered within istanbul can be as fun sometimes. especially with someone with a foreigner's eye to point at the different and beautiful aspects of the city we usually take for granted, and also, with someone as nice and cool as yesim.

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