truman capote by henri cartier-bresson

like i said, i visited the Henri Cartier-Bresson: Photographer exhibition at the Pera Museum. it felt good to be surrounded by black and white only. the images- some merely faded impressions of far far away lands and foreign people, some speaking right into my heart, some invoking a smile. truman capote, a portrait especially meaningful to me because of breakfast at tiffany's, was the one i thought captured my soul bit by bit.


Serife Tekin said…
ken light'in wittness of time kitabinda henri cartier-bresson'la ilgili guzel seyler bulabilirsin,
ben cevirmistim kitabi turkceye, fotograf vakfi girisimi yayinlarindan yakinda cikmasi lazim,
kutuphaneden bulkamazsan soyle ben sana fotokopi ceker yollarim,
Pel said…
ok bakiyim ona.

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