i have no idea what this means:
"everything that happens once can never happen again. but everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time."
it's an arab proverb. they really are weird people.


Anonymous said…
picture yourself shooting an arrow at a target a mile away. if you were to hit it once it would be a miracle. but if you were to hit it twice you would have a method for success; one obviously capable of repitition and inevitably repeated.
Pel said…
that makes sense. see, abstract thinking is not my cup of tea. i wasn't even able to work out an example. thank you babe.
Anonymous said…
Yes, but try to get me in front of a microphone or be tasked out with creating a working budget and we'll have a problem. :) I love you.
Serife Tekin said…
it looks very 'gestalt' to me...
i mean, you two...
duck-rabbit, vase-face...

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