life and death

We went to a funeral yesterday. It was held in the tent-shaped church that we drove by all the time on the way to Hermiston. I had actually never been to a funeral in my entire life, and I was told that this wouldn't be like a funeral but rather, a celebration of life - which it kind of was. But it was still sad at parts. At least for me. It was so different than how it would be back in Turkey, though. People got on the stage and talked about their favorite memories of him. There was a slide show of his pictures with nice songs in the background. Apparently he was a great guy, everyone said so. His granddaughter sang beautifully. Then everyone joined her in singing Amazing Grace. It was bittersweet.
A guy gave a long speech about how, according to Christian values, he is in a better place now, and he is actually better off this way. He supported his theory with arguments, used Bible quotes. I thought it was an effort in vain to try to prove that a dead person is in fact, next to God now, and in a better, healthier body. He hasn't been there. He doesn't know. And how can you be in a better place when all the people you love are on earth living their lives in their usual bodies? It escapes me.
Today I faced yet another face of death, what happens to your stuff when you die. Americans have a remedy for this too. Estate sales. We went to this lady's house, who I'm guessing passed away, and all her stuff was out on the shelves, priced, ready to be sold. I got really cute earrings for only $1. All her earthly possessions, her china, clothes, handkerchiefs, jewelry, even body lotions. For sale. I'm not denying that it's an effective way of doing it. It's just so new to me and so wouldn't work back home. But then I got really cute earrings for $1, and saved them out of the garbage. I guess it's a win-win situation.


Anonymous said…
You're lucky you've only been to one now...I've already been to 6. I feel like that's kind of a lot.


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