carnaval de lune

it's rainy here. on the radio buckshot lefongue says "another day, staring out of my window". i'm not, i'm sitting at my desk trying to concentrate, on anything really, and i can't. if it wasn't for this song, i would be walking out the door right now. is this true? well, it's the lunar eclipse today. anything can happen.

how the rest of the day went:
i walked out that door, later in the day. went to reasurans and stopped by sami to ask for a good song to make me feel better. he was fretting over daily stuff too. sure enough, i came back, socks wet. we might go to gramafon for bilal&neset ruacan's birthday gig. gulin and baris just stopped by my office. might hang out with them at taps after work. might just go home and read.
surely more could have happened.


Serife Tekin said…
ayri iklimlerdeyiz ama ayni yagmurlarda islaniyoruz bocegim,
hayatima yeniden girisin iyilestiriyor beni,
hissediyorum pelin bu bahar bizim baharimiz olacak
denizli anadilu lisesinin bahcesinde calan sarkilarda dansedecegiz...

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