an older version of me

this place i'm smiling with brandon must be the galata tower. i had a gig at kemanci the night before, and despite the complete lack of sleep, i had walked around all day with brandon and kevin. i remember going to topkapi and sultanahmet. was a fun day.
one night we were in superdorm and it was a summer night, windows wide open, and a huge moth had come in, to do its crazy dance around the florescent light and to make me scream, and someone was trying to chase it while brandon kept saying "kupek! kupek!", out of a confusion between "kopek" and "bocek" my imagination could never have come up with.
i got back in touch with brandon just recently. he's one of the sweetest people you can ever meet.

my heading also reminds me of this song from pulp that i love: "a bad cover version of love is not the real thing" -how the brain hops from thought to thought like on a tree.


Anonymous said…
Thanks, Pelin. My Turkish is probably always going to be humorously terrible, I'm afraid. I'm also glad to be back in touch.

Coming back to Turkey in 2001 felt like coming home in a way. I miss the winding streets of Istanbul, the stark contrasts between different cultures, lifestyles, and beliefs, and the honest passion of their interaction.

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