don't phunk with my heart

we had a blast at the black eyed peas concert. i daresay i wasn't expecting it to be so good. the show was unbelievable. it's probably one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
but that garbage concert, summer of 99, park orman. nothing, yes, nothing will ever compare to that.
i've actually been to some really good concerts in the past 8 years that i lived here- two jethro tull gigs that were very special, patti smith, ben harper, marcus miller, garbage twice, joan baez, jane birkin, benny golson, diana krall, or maybe more, i don't quite recall all, though i tend to keep the tickets, they must be somewhere in my room. it's a habit left from life in denizli. i used to keep each and every concert and play ticket, first of all because every performance gave me a wave of euphoria and ecstacy, and then again, art wasn't so easy to find. when my parents took me to see evita the musical in istanbul, i couldn't get over it for like a year. seems funny now.
i've actually given some good performances myself, too. maybe it's hard to believe that i've been on the very stage the black eyed peas performed, but it's true. i've come a long way. and have so much more to go. see if i can do the same in the city that never sleeps.


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