Leonard, you cannot find peace by avoiding life.

Farewells are confrontations with your past, your present, your future. You look them right in the eye and say, Look, I have to move on. This chapter is over and the page is begging to be turned over. So you guys better help me or we'll all get lost somewhere between the pages.
These days I'm facing three corners and three sides of this triangle. What did I do in the past that brought me to this point? Why does the past shine so brightly? Am I satisfied with what I've done? Who are the people I'm leaving behind? Who are the ones I'm taking with me?

The past is the longest side of the triangle.
The future is the darkest corner.
The present always contains a perspective of what we bring from the past and what we project to the future. I always have an idea of what the future will be like, even though slight, blurry. Goodbyes shake that picture to the floor. Cross people out, leave bare the canvas. I get scared the canvas will look like that forever. Wrong answer. The picture is bound to change and the present is the only side of the triangle that gives us the opportunity of comprehending that.
Dear Leonard,
To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it, for what it is, and then, to put it away. Leonard, always the years between us, always the years, always the love, always...the hours...*

*virginia woolf, the hours


Serife Tekin said…
filmini cektiler ya the hours'un...virgina woolf filme sigamaz bence ama yine de sevmistim filmi. en sonunda gole girip kendini bogdugu sahnede backgroundda olan muzik cok guzeldi. sarki bulma ustasi olan ozlem'imiz bize o sarkiyi bulsa sevinsek...soundtrackine bakmak lazim, neyse o sahneyi basa alip alip dinlemistim, aglayarak, onu hatirladim simdi...virgina woolf bir teshisin yarattigi en buyuk teselli benim icin..bipolar mi sanatci mi demek lazim iste....
Pel said…
beethoven moonlight sonata'ydi sanirim tatlim o calan

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