other people's sheets

they're different. they smell different. they alienate you rightaway. but some have a more hospitable feel. some have welcoming texture. some smell familiar. these are usually friends' sheets.
but all of them let you know that you are not to wake up at home.


Serife Tekin said…
maybe you will wake up feeling at home when you come to visit me in toronto...bedsheets have existential importance for me, i always make sure that my guests use a freshly washed bedsheets, so they can make the bed their home over night...freshly brewed coffee in the morning...for pel,..you'll decide to stay maybe...my little home will try to seduce you...
i remembered the smell of your house pelit, the upstairs especially...your room that you shared with gulin..maybe i can visit your parents in denizli when i am there, i miss your dad...he was another bidis...
check out my blog, there is a link to you fairies...

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