
at the age of fourteen i used to daydream that Bryan Adams was my lover and that he had written several songs for me, including please forgive me. this one was my favorite. it all started out with the movie Robin Hood, which i'm sure was a cruel plot to make us 13 year-old boys and girls utterly and dreamily fall into this magical trap grown-ups called love, as after witnessing the love between Robin of Locksley and Marian, coupled with the song everything i do, i do it for you, i threw myself out there in the quest for that very feeling. i developed a crush on classmate onur gun, and Bryan Adams was one of his favorites, he had the album waking up the neighbors. everything i do was the only song i could stand in that album, although i told onur i listened to and liked it all. but then Bryan Adams came up with please forgive me and it was the end of an era for me. or the beginning: Bryan Adams was my lover and he wrote all those songs for me. it wasn't about Robin and Marian anymore, it was all about me.
how did i get here? please forgive me played on the radio and i went back in time. ah, ingenue.


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