
have to start getting ready for the jazz vocal competition. haven't picked out my songs yet. am thinking of angel eyes and alone together. am thinking of bilal to help me with the recording. but it won't be so easy. sure enough i'll take ages to pick out my songs, will record on the last minute. looking forward to summer, italy, dreams, colors, etc.
this huge pile of translation material heaped up on top of me as well, which is not made easier by the fact that i'm sick, and therefore all i want to do is lay down, sleep, sneeze.
am still not tired of passing by hotic every morning, smiling at the mehmet gunsur poster on the window, then being embarrassed at my silliness.
have to get well soon.


Serife Tekin said…
hayata ve bahara gomuldum yazamadim bebis, yakinda yazicam uzun..sende mi hasta oldun demek..kendini simartmak icin iyi bi firsat, uyu bol bol dinlen, cevirileri ayaga kalkinca yaparsin.
ne zaman italy? biz eric'le temmuzda turkiyede olacak, temmuzun son haftasi da istanbulda. gorusebilecek miyiz acaba bu yaz? agustosta geliyorsun buraya, unutma,

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